The Gist: An Appealing Judge, Life Goals, Bon Gabon

As neither of Ireland's news agenda setters (RTE and the Irish Times) can muster any news worth the name, tonight it's an Africa News In Gist Special.
Doubtful prosecution
A judge who convicted (in his absence) a notable rival to the sitting President in the Democratic Republic of the Congo says now she did it under pressure from local spies.
I'm sure it will be fine, just like always happens since the King of Belgium used to chop off the locals' hands for the purposes of civilisation and also cash.
Life goals
In Zimbabwe, the 92 year old President has announced his plan to continue in office until he dies. Responding to a statement from his usual power base of veterans of the country's War of Independence that they were withdrawing their support, he threatened to get them.
Not totally sure a plan to rule until death announced by a 92 year old is anything more than a medium term problem, mind you.
Gabon Bon
A young fella, who sits on a stairs and sings was filmed and uploaded doing a Celine Dion cover.
Avoiding the opprobrium you might expect, the video was shared by a Gabon blogger and then by Celine Dion herself to millions of .
Our singing hero points out he likes singing on steps.
And that's your news in gist, Africa edition.