National Maternity Hospital
The Gist: The Maternity Hospital, in brief
After a week of assertion and counter-assertions we're settling on a generally agreed set of facts about the new National Maternity Hospital plan.
A lawyer with McGarr Solicitors and director of Data Compliance Europe. Senior Policy Advisor for M3AAWG, guest lecturer with ERA in Trier & External Examiner for Irish Law Society on Data Protection.
National Maternity Hospital
After a week of assertion and counter-assertions we're settling on a generally agreed set of facts about the new National Maternity Hospital plan.
A spooked Cabinet refused to approve the Maternity Hospital deal after a mobilisation campaign saw TDs' phones and emails hopping. This is the Gist.
Things have changed for the Gist this week. Seeing as it only exists because you like to read it, I thought this might be a good moment to do my first ever post on writing a newsletter. This is the Gist’s gist!
The Government is trying to move forward with their plan to gift the National Maternity Hospital to the nuns' chosen vehicle. This is the Gist.
Sometimes it's impossible to know when we're in a between time. And then, sometimes, its pretty obvious. This is the Gist.
It has been a difficult month, filled with horror and outrage. So we're taking a step back to try to see the stories that are driving our lives. This is the Gist.
The Labour Party is set to choose its third leader since a cataclysmic judgement by voters on its time in office. This is the Gist.
Lacking expertise in military tactics after Alexander the Great, we try to think obliquely about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This is, hesitantly, the Gist.
Events around the border between Ukraine and Russia meant that War Talk loomed large in international discussion. This is the Gist.
After an eventful week in public affairs, in Ireland and abroad, hangovers seem like the connecting theme. This is the Gist.
Schoolteacher and musician, Ashling Murphy went for a run and was murdered. Nothing else that happened this week matters. The shock of the news coming out gave way to the paroxysm of anguish, of anger, of horror and of loss. Vigils were spontaneously held around the country, and abroad. Ms
2021 has passed but almost every story and issue we faced has continued into 2022. Let's take a peep over the horizon to see what might finally resolve itself in the next 12 months. This is the Gist.