The Gist: Love in a warming climate
Green Party starts to sweat at the approach of decision time, Ireland begins to sweat at the first Coronavirus case in NI, via Dublin
A lawyer with McGarr Solicitors and director of Data Compliance Europe. Senior Policy Advisor for M3AAWG, guest lecturer with ERA in Trier & External Examiner for Irish Law Society on Data Protection.
Green Party starts to sweat at the approach of decision time, Ireland begins to sweat at the first Coronavirus case in NI, via Dublin
A rare treat as the nameless voice of Ireland's leading political commentators helms a special Gist
The political bubble pops as events start to press in on a political system still in post-election seclusion.
Party ins and outs are unclear, but what about the policies?
A quiet weekend for Irish political news prompts a quick look at other things happening.
Its been two weeks since the election. I was away for the last week. Now I’m back, it’s probably time for a bit of a round up. And, it turns out, some strange things have happened. Three go in, None come out After nearly two weeks of shadow
One week on, a very very brief overview on where the parties stand
While the Dáil flails about trying to put itself together, what about the Seanad?
From no-news to all-news in one day.
Howlin quits, FG/FF fits
It's three days since the vote and everything has gone very quiet. In coffee shops all around Leinster House people are huddled in clumps, speaking in hushed tones, eyes darting at the door in case an enemy or journalist comes in. But, for the rest of us, everything
It's Day 2 of the Count and we are into the realm of hilarity as the losing parties- who have never both lost the same election- struggle to come to terms with what's happened. The numbers have settled down and we know what the Dáil looks