Health stuff, Sort of big Meaningless Numbers, O'Leary talk, Unscheduled prayers

Health stuff
Northern Ireland says gay men can give blood after all. But not marry. We're keeping it contiwise. The Minister for Health, who's a youngfella with a grand head of hair on him, says he wants everyone to agree with a policy that will take 10 years to do, which does sound a good idea but also like a recipie for a pretty quiet life as Minister for Health. And the HSE says it doesn't want to spend cash on a drug to help cystic fibrosis patients and the Youngfella Minister says the CF people shouldn't worry because it'll probably be grand.
Big Meaningless Numbers
Some sort of sleepy Thursday press release that says we've loads of extra money from Tax. (But not for CF drugs. That's not how news works.) Also a lady in her eighties pretended to be her partner's dead wife and collected pensions for years. Added up that was a big number too, though not really in the context of a Social Welfare overall budget.
O'Leary talk
Exactly as you'd expect it.

Unscheduled Prayers
RTE refused to broadcast a call to prayer at the end of the day during Ramadan because... Um. So, it's not that having a call to prayer broadcast was a bad idea. It was totally fine. Seems the reason why it was a no was that the sun sets at different times and so this call to prayer couldn't be fit into the TV schedule.
They'll run some Ramadan diaries instead. Just before the daily, always fixed, easily scheduled Angelus broadcast.
Not much else, really. Sometimes there isn't even enough news to Gist for you.