Campaign Gist: A forest of talk

Day 24 of the Campaign. Journalists and candidates alike are ashen-faced on the TV. Newsletter writers are mourning all the lost sleep of a daily email commitment. But somewhere else, under the rock and soil, the political landscape is rearranging.
A forest of talk
The time is running out. The sand grains are draining. And every candidate has, gnawing at their soul, the fear that if only they had had one more chance to explain it would have made all the difference. So we have leader debates, deputy leader debates, small party leader debates and so on.
And, you know, it's a lot.
I mean, I'm writing a newsletter about the election campaign and even I am getting exhausted by it all. But, behind all the talk, voters are slowly landing on their decisions. Polls, week in, week out, are taken and they give snapshots of people's feelings.
But now there's an election coming. And decisions are being discussed in kitchens, and mulled over privately. The candidates' free leaflets arrived in through the letterboxes around the state yesterday and today. They were closely examined for signs of lunacy.
The talk will fill the airwaves until 2pm tomorrow. But really, it's become just background noise.
It's 24 days since the election was called. And, reading this, you're about 24 hours away from the vote. The face of everyone in the business of politics is carrying the quiet horror of knowing that there's nothing much to be done about it now. Power has left all its usual haunts. It's in the kitchens and living rooms now and it'll stay there until the count is finished.

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